Volume tanki bahan beuleum
Volume tanki bahan beuleum

Kapasitas tank Mercedes Arox 6x6

Ukuran tanki bahan beuleum mobil paling umum nyaéta 40, 50, 60 sareng 70 liter. Ditilik ku volume tank, anjeun tiasa ngabejaan sabaraha badag mobil téh. Dina kasus tank 30 liter, urang paling dipikaresep ngobrol ngeunaan runabout a. 50-60 liter mangrupikeun tanda rata-rata anu kuat. Sareng 70 - nunjukkeun mobil ukuran pinuh.

Kapasitas tanki bahan beuleum moal aya gunana upami henteu kanggo konsumsi bahan bakar. Nyaho konsumsi bahan bakar rata, anjeun bisa kalayan gampang ngitung sabaraha kilométer tank pinuh suluh bakal cukup pikeun anjeun. Komputer on-board mobil modéren tiasa langsung nunjukkeun inpormasi ieu ka supir.

Volume tanki bahan beuleum Mercedes Arox 6x6 nyaeta 290 liter.

Volume tank Mercedes-Benz Arocs 6×6 2013, sasis, generasi kahiji

Kapasitas tank Mercedes Arox 6x6 01.2013 - ayeuna

set lengkepVolume tanki bahan beuleum, l
10.7 MT 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 3600290
10.7 MT 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 3900290
10.7 MT 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4200290
10.7 MT 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4500290
10.7 MT 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4800290
10.7 MT 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 5100290
10.7 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 3600290
10.7 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 3900290
10.7 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4200290
10.7 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4500290
10.7 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4800290
10.7 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 5100290
10.7 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 3600290
10.7 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 3900290
10.7 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4200290
10.7 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4500290
10.7 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4800290
10.7 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 5100290
12.8 MT 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 3600290
12.8 MT 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 3900290
12.8 MT 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4200290
12.8 MT 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4500290
12.8 MT 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4800290
12.8 MT 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 5100290
12.8 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 3600290
12.8 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 3900290
12.8 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4200290
12.8 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4500290
12.8 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4800290
12.8 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 5100290
12.8 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 3600290
12.8 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 3900290
12.8 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4200290
12.8 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4500290
12.8 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4800290
12.8 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 5100290
15.6 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 3900290
15.6 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4200290
15.6 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4500290
15.6 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4800290
15.6 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 5100290
15.6 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 3900290
15.6 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4200290
15.6 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4500290
15.6 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 4800290
15.6 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3351 A Daun 5100290

Volume tank Mercedes-Benz Arocs 6×6 2013, treuk flatbed, generasi kahiji

Kapasitas tank Mercedes Arox 6x6 01.2013 - ayeuna

set lengkepVolume tanki bahan beuleum, l
10.7 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AND Daun 3600290
10.7 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AND Daun 3900290
10.7 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AND Daun 4200290
10.7 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AND Daun 4500290
10.7 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 3600290
10.7 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 3600290
10.7 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 3900290
10.7 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 3900290
10.7 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 4200290
10.7 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 4200290
10.7 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 4500290
10.7 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 4500290
12.8 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AND Daun 3600290
12.8 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AND Daun 3900290
12.8 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AND Daun 4200290
12.8 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AND Daun 4500290
12.8 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 3900290
12.8 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 3900290
12.8 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 4200290
12.8 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 4200290
12.8 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 3600290
12.8 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 3600290
12.8 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 4500290
12.8 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 4500290
15.6 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AND Daun 3600290
15.6 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AND Daun 3900290
15.6 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AND Daun 4200290
15.6 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AND Daun 4500290
15.6 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 4200290
15.6 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 3600290
15.6 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 3600290
15.6 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 3900290
15.6 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 3900290
15.6 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 4200290
15.6 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 4500290
15.6 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AK Daun 4500290

Ukuran tank Mercedes-Benz Arocs 6×6 2013, unit traktor, generasi kahiji

Kapasitas tank Mercedes Arox 6x6 01.2013 - ayeuna

set lengkepVolume tanki bahan beuleum, l
10.7 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3600290
10.7 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3900290
10.7 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 4200290
10.7 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3600290
10.7 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3900290
10.7 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3600290
10.7 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3900290
10.7 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 4200290
10.7 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 4200290
12.8 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3600290
12.8 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3900290
12.8 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 4200290
12.8 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 4200290
12.8 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 4200290
12.8 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3900290
12.8 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3600290
12.8 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3600290
12.8 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3900290
15.6 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3600290
15.6 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3900290
15.6 MT 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 4200290
15.6 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3600290
15.6 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3900290
15.6 PowerShift-12 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 4200290
15.6 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3600290
15.6 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 3900290
15.6 PowerShift-16 6×6 Arocs 3333 AS Daun 4200290

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